The objectives of the workshop are to initiate awareness among fishing communities on the issues of sustainable use of living and non-living resources of Lake Tanganyika, and refine the analysis of the impact of the fishing business management of these resources.
The other objective is to produce videos of short stories in four languages on key issues related to the management and conservation of Lake Tanganyika. The videos will be used to educate people about the dangers of unsustainable practices and promote the use of best practices.
New Guide to some invasive plants affecting Lake Tanganyika
Lake Tanganyika Authority in collaboration with UNDP/GEF Project and IUCN Invasive Species Initiative organized a workshop on invasive species affecting Lake Tanganyika at Kibunoah Hotel, in Bujumbura - Burundi, for the Burundi and D. R. Congo Technical Teams on Environmental Issues. "From this 23 rd to 24 th August, 2012, you will be involved to how you can control species that have become invasive and be trained how you can prevent new invasions in order to develop a Monitoring Programme for Invasive Species for the four riparian countries of Lake Tanganyika” said Mr. Gabriel Hakizimana, Director of Environment of Lake Tanganyika Authority – LTA.
Burundi industrialists called to contribute to protecting water resources
It was during a discussion workshop on the main provisions of the water code in Burundi that was organised by the Ministry of Water, Environment, Land and Urban Planning, in partnership with the Sectoral Programme Water and Sanitation of the Federal German Republic. The water code being disseminated for the implementation of the national water policy adopted in 2009, proves that water management and use are based on 10 key principles.
Celebration of Lake Tanganyika National Day, 2012 edition
"If we do not take care, many human activities pose a threat to Lake Tanganyika," noted Mr. Gabriel Toyi, representing the second Vice-President of the Republic of Burundi, in the ceremonies of Lake Tanganyika National Day, July 22 nd each year.
Dr. Henry Mwima, the Executive Director of Lake Tanganyika Authority (LTA) has recognized the efforts made by Burundi in protecting the lake and appealed to other Lake Tanganyika riparian countries (DRC, Tanzania and Zambia) to emulate the example set by the Government of the Republic of Burundi by setting aside one day to celebrate the unique and shared heritage: Lake Tanganyika.
LTA and TNC: towards joint efforts to protect Lake Tanganyika
The collaboration area includes exploring opportunities to share resources on collaborative projects, in matters relating to fisheries management and environmental conservation through cooperative efforts.
The fishing pressure is an increasing threat to the sustainability of fishery resources in Lake Tanganyika
Interventions proposed for developing sustainable fisheries in this lake are such as reviewing and updating the national components of the Fisheries Management Frame Plan, developing and implementing fishing license process, improve the involvement of local communities in fisheries management, and promote sustainable fisheries alternative livelihoods.
Elusive Bururi Long-Fingered Frog Found After 62 Years
ScienceDaily (Mar. 27, 2012) — Herpetologists from the California Academy of Sciences and University of Texas at El Paso discovered a single specimen of the Bururi long-fingered frog (Cardioglossa cyaneospila) during a research expedition to Burundi in December 2011. The frog was last seen by scientists in 1949 and was feared to be extinct after decades of turmoil in the tiny East African nation.
Lake Tanganyika and the Greater Mahale Ecosystem
In fact, a recent survey conducted by Nature Conservancy social scientists concluded that 95% of GME households earn income from farming. Rapidly growing village populations are left with little choice but to expand their settlements and farms into the wild lands and clear forest and woodland for agriculture, fuel and timber. Steep hillsides are haphazardly farmed and the run-off, heavy with sediment, fills coastal zones and pushes near-shore fishery production—the source of 40% of the protein for local families—into decline.
Investment opportunities in Lake Tanganyika and Victoria are still limited by security and environmental threats
Lake Tanganyika Basin Development Conference recommendations